Why Choose Artificial? Pros and Cons of Artificial Christmas Trees vs Real Ones


The holidays are a special time of year, and what better way to get into the spirit of the season than with a beautiful Christmas tree. But if you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the options, then this article is for you. We’ll be discussing the pros and cons of artificial vs. real Christmas trees so that you can make an informed decision on what will best fit your holiday needs.

What Are Artificial Trees?

Artificial trees are not made from natural materials like traditional trees but instead are manufactured with materials like plastic or metal, which makes them more durable and long-lasting. These trees typically come pre-lit with LED lights as well as decorations so that once you set it up, you can sit back and enjoy the holiday cheer without any fuss. They also require less maintenance since they don’t need to be watered or trimmed like real trees do, making them a great option for those who want an easy alternative to decorating each year.

Pros of Artificial Trees

The main benefit of an artificial tree is its durability and convenience factor. Since they’re not made from natural materials, they won’t experience dryness over time or become damaged by pests and other elements as easily as real trees can. Plus, they tend to be cheaper than buying a fresh evergreen every year so if money is tight during the holidays, artificial trees can help you save some cash while still enjoying a festive atmosphere in your home. There’s no need for mess or hassle either since these trees come ready-made with lights and decorations already attached, saving you time when it comes to cleanup after the holiday season has passed.

Cons of Artificial Trees

While there are many benefits to using artificial trees, there are a few drawbacks that should be considered before making your purchase. First off, these trees tend to lack the authentic scent associated with natural evergreens which can detract from the overall holiday experience for some people since it’s one of their favorite smells during this special time of year. Additionally, depending on how much decoration is included on your tree model, you may still have to buy extra garland or ornaments if you want more festive flair in your home–which could end up costing more than just getting a new fresh tree each year anyway! Finally, there have been recent studies that point out that artificial Christmas trees may contain higher levels of lead than their natural counterparts due to their manufacturing process–so if this is something that concerns you then it might be wise to go with a real tree instead.

Real Trees: Pros & Cons

Real Christmas trees offer an unmistakable charm and authenticity that artificial ones simply cannot match due to their freshness and pine scent alone. If environmental consciousness is high on your list of priorities then going with a real tree might be the ideal choice since opting against buying plastic helps lower pollution levels connected with manufacturing processes associated with artificial models (and most were grown organically too!). The downside is that traditional evergreens must be purchased anew every year–so if budget constraints are tight then this may not be feasible for everyone looking for an economical solution when it comes to finding their perfect holiday centerpiece in their home each season.. Additionally, these types require quite a bit of water (as well as trimming) throughout their lifespan in order for them look just right; otherwise droopiness or wilting could occur which takes away from allure rather quickly.. Lastly, some cities have strict regulations regarding disposal after use which can make getting rid of them difficult (especially depending on where you live).


Whether deciding between an artificial tree or one made from nature depends entirely on personal preference and lifestyle needs/wants; however now at least readers know both sides when coming across this dilemma – pros & cons included – so they can make an educated decision when settling upon what kind will suit them best during this wonderful yet often hectic part of our lives known as “the holidays”.