Are Artificial Christmas Trees Safe to Use in Your Home?

Full artificial Christmas trees are a convenient way to decorate your home for the holidays, but they do come with some risks.

In general, artificial Christmas trees are safe to use. They’re made from non-toxic materials and don’t release any harmful chemicals into your home’s air when they’re burned or when you dispose of them at the end of the season.

However, if you have pets or small children in your home, you should take extra precautions before purchasing an artificial tree. For example:

  • Place your artificial tree on a carpeted floor instead of bare wood or tile. This will help prevent any pieces that fall off from getting stuck in the carpet fibers and causing an injury to your pet or child.
  • Make sure the stand is stable enough to hold the weight of your tree before setting it up in its permanent location. The feet of many stands are not strong enough to support heavier models without tipping over.

Your Christmas tree is a beautiful sight to behold, but it’s important to remember that it can also be a fire hazard.

“Christmas trees are easily ignited and the flame can spread quickly,” said Heather Paul, spokesperson for the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.). “The best way to avoid a fire is proper care and maintenance.”

Here are some tips on how to keep your artificial Christmas tree safe:

  • Keep it away from heat sources. Artificial trees are flammable and should never be placed near heat sources like fireplaces or radiators.
  • Don’t put it near open flames or candles. The tips of your artificial Christmas tree may get hot enough to ignite other items nearby, such as decorations or drapes. Keep candles, matches and lighters away from your Christmas tree too — even if you’re using LED lights that don’t get hot enough to catch fire on their own, they will still ignite if they come into contact with any flame source in close proximity to them (such as a candle).
  • Use a stand that’s sturdy enough to hold up tall trees — especially those that are heavy with ornaments — without tipping over when bumped or jostled by pets or children playing nearby.
  • Use only light strings with UL-listed fuses or circuit breakers.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for connecting each set of lights and for placing the tree away from any heat sources like radiators, heat registers, candles and electric lights.
  • Check all cords for frayed wires, cracks or exposed wiring before using lights on your tree.
  •  Throw out damaged cords immediately so they can’t be used again later on another tree after being repaired by someone else who might not know.
  • Make sure your artificial tree is fresh out of the box so it won’t emit any harmful VOCs into your home while it’s being decorated. Also make sure there are no cracks or holes in the branches where dust can collect and then be released into your home when you plug in your lights.