christmas tree with red ball on

Benefits of Artificial Christmas Trees for Fashionistas

Are you one of those people that is considered a fashionista?  Fashionistas are often people who are super into fashion. They are wearing the latest trends and are ready for whatever the fashion world throws at them. When Christmas rolls around, a lot of fashionistas are more worried about the latest clothing or shoe that’s going to be released, which is fine.  However, a fashionista is going to be more interested in decorating artificial Christmas trees when the theme is fashion.

So how do you make a fashion-themed artificial Christmas tree? No, we aren’t talking about making the Christmas tree a nice sweater that is super fashionable to wear.  We are talking about decorating these artificial Christmas trees in a way that fashionistas are going to love because these ornaments are going to represent something that is special to them. And remember, as long as the tree is decorated in a way that has meaning to you,  you are going to love it. It doesn’t matter if the theme is off the wall or no one else is going to relate,  these artificial Christmas trees are yours to do with what you will.

Here are a few tips to designing artificial Christmas trees that are decorated for the fashionista in your family:

  1. Is the fashionista in question somewhere that loves a particular type of product?  For example, do they have a closet in which the number of shoes could rival a shoe store?  If so then make sure to find miniature shoes that you can put onto your Christmas tree as ornaments. And if these shoes are too plain then get out the hot glue gun and add some glitter sequins and what have you to make these truly eye-catching.
  2. Is your fashionista interested in animal prints?  You are going to find tons of ornaments that are dedicated to zebra stripes, leopards, and tons of other animals.
  3. If there is a favorite color of the fashionista then be sure to include it on your artificial Christmas trees.  For example if he or she is known for always wearing aqua then be sure that you put some aqua ornaments into the Christmas tree.
  4. Go creative when it comes to the top or that you’re going to use on these artificial Christmas trees.  Since you are designing this for a fashionista, why not find something that showcases his or her favorite brands,  or maybe even go with an installed hat as your topper.

While not every fashionista is really interested in their artificial Christmas trees because they would rather focus on the fashion,  when you decorate your Christmas tree to showcase their love and passion it makes all the difference.  This hodgepodge of different decor that you are putting on to these artificial Christmas trees is going to come together very well and be something that is definitely one of a kind. And let’s face it, the fashionista in your family is probably one of a kind as well…so this is a match made in heaven!