big red present

Why 9 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees Are the Perfect Addition to Your Holiday Decor

Many families throughout the world have certain traditions that they keep every Christmas season. They pass these down from generation to generation, and their kids will pass these on to their kids. It becomes something that many people forget why they started doing this in the first place. That is the beauty of traditions! However, for those who are looking for new traditions to add to their Christmas season that they can pass on from generation to generation, here are a few ideas that they may want to use!

Top Picks for 9 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees

1. A new ornament each year for your 9 foot artificial Christmas trees. You will find that finding a new ornament that represents the past year for your Christmas tree is an easy tradition that everyone can get in on. While it may not fit in with a theme, this means more than just having a themed tree.

2. Hang small gifts on the tree that kids can choose to open before Christmas. You will find that this is a great tradition for those with smaller kids. The gifts that you can hang on these 9 foot artificial Christmas trees are going to be small…but it just adds a thrilling factor to the Christmas season.

3. Start a tradition of a pot luck dinner before Christmas. There are no better memories that the entire family joining around their 9 foot artificial Christmas trees for a delicious meal.

4. Everyone can join in on decorating 9 foot artificial Christmas trees…and this is something that can make the decorating process all that much more fun!

There is no right or wrong when it comes to having Christmas traditions. Whether they are centered around your 9 foot artificial Christmas trees or not, it is just one way to make each Christmas memorable.